Monday, September 27, 2010

a change is gonna come

I don't know why I'm so tried.. because I don't drive a stick, I didn't drive the whole trip. But I'm tired nevertheless, and I'm probably going to bed early. Friday is the first day of the Noni trial. Jenn asked if you could carry around a video camera and sometimes come in to get interviewed by a crew, documenting your good days and bad days... and successes.. oh geez, you have to succeed now. The pressure is on.. but I think we're okay with it... one day body.. one day...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Plastic Beauty Queens

there is a lot of pressure to be the best..,you gotta look a part, be a part, act a part...break apart...dear body special thanks to my friends for writing this song, and then making this video...

Today is not your day

Dear Body,
 So I made ANOTHER dress to wear to my friend’s wedding on Saturday… and yesterday morning I tried on eight different outfits for work! I hated them on, and just settled for the one I hated the least...oh Body, you have good days and bad days and yesterday….well I hated you yesterday.
Today Body… today I donated you to a clinical trial with Tahitian Noni… For 3 months you’ll be using their products that they’ve designed for healthy living...Using their products along with a nutritionist and a personal trainer… in an effort to  someday be liked by me everyday… I don’t hate you everyday… just some days…Oh Body…

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Smokey Robinson - The Tracks Of My Tears Live (1965)

dear body,

I'm not happy with you today...maybe it's the sad television I've been watching.. but this on time, if it's my PMDD as in i'm getting my period early, I won't hate you.. I won;t mind this time, because I have to be at a wedding during it's regularly scheduled time.. hmmm, this is your free pass to let it come early.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

you did great this morning

Dear Body,

Did you want to stay in bed this morning and get out of working out? Of course you did. Did you get  your lazy behind out of bed anyways when Meaghan texted you? Of course you did. Was it worth it? Of course it was.. So proud of you, even though you want to throw up an you ache and your legs feel like jello. What was that line in Karate Kid, oh that's right, " Pain is weakness leaving the body" You're on your way body, and apparently you lost a lot of weakness today... Good job body, Good Job..


Friday, September 3, 2010

oh Marilyn

Dear Body,

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe

"All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't." 
 Marilyn Monroe

I think I'm having a week


Thursday, September 2, 2010

where'd you go

dear body,

sometimes  you're going alone, doing your own thing, and then out of no where.. you disappear.
